The BreathWay

The BreathWay Gallery

TonePoem Creations
The Gift of Quarter Moons

The Gift of Quarter Moons

The Forgotten One

The Forgotten One

The Pearl

The Pearl

The End of Enslavement

The End of Enslavement

Leaning Toward the Light

Leaning Toward the Light

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

Climate Strange

Climate Strange

The Needle’s Eye

The Needle’s Eye

Babel and Babylon

Babel and Babylon

Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising

The Reality of Duality

The Reality of Duality

Light Breathing Bridge of Bone

Light Breathing Bridge of Bone

One Hand Clapping

One Hand Clapping

The Cry in the Night

The Cry in the Night

The Pledge

The Pledge



The Boundary between Love and Fear

The Boundary between Love and Fear

The Guardian

The Guardian

When Viruses Go Viral

When Viruses Go Viral

The Cry in the Night

The Cry in the Night

Wu Chi

Wu Chi