Belief Release the BreathWay
because we believe what we believe. But our beliefs hide very very well, especially the limiting ones, the unloving ones.
All beliefs are created in the absence of knowing, a situation created by an imbalance of the 3 forces that comprise our reality. Life force. Mind force. Heart force. Only by balancing the Three do we find the Two that leads into One.
Breath crosses what is known as the blood/brain barrier, the membrane between head and heart, a reunification of our conscious and subconscious selves.
As we inhale a part of us moves from our left brain (beta) world focus toward our right brain (alpha) inner focus, and then back again. This movement aligns with life experience as it generates, like pearls in an oyster, something of remarkable value.
Based on fractal patterns in neurons, researchers believe our brains exist at or near a state called ‘criticality’ where they’re extremely close to shifting from one state of matter to another. They also admit they don’t know what either state is.
Because limiting beliefs hold varying levels of fear it’s necessary to allow our breath to take us to a place of no fear first, so the fear-belief can be seen, accepted and its energy allowed to reassimilate.
To heal is to whole.
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Contact Doug for art information or BreathWay sessions.
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