The Gift of Quarter Moons

Summer listens to the thousand things
that thrum and hum into the rain that brings a tale of hope to every living thing
that breathes into the leaves of life.
But now the winds from nowhere to nowhere blow
against the human who tries to go
to find his destiny
as he drops his memories
like falling leaves .
And I learn to lean
into what it means
to return and truly love her.
Broken hearts and quarter moons
are brothers in the night.
Some day this heart
will find its other part
and the moon will fill with light.
But not tonight’. Not tonight.
Now every little tree
is losing its leaves
and every breathing bird
has flown
beyond summer and beyond autumn into the shimmer of the fires of winter
where the quantum winds whisper
into my bones
the ancient song of the Unknown,
and I stand alone.